Saturday, 14 June 2014

No Boundaries :/

To me the world seems to have so much to say about what others do and what others say and we never realise how much we're missing out.

I've never had the same experience as my friends and siblings they all were uptight and never wanted to experience new or start new things was all too foreign too risky and too much for them and whenever I did something out of their norm I seemed crazy!

Thing is they were not as experimental as I am and I feel like these are boundaries set out for them by society.

..what amazes me though is why it is that there is so much judgments around in the first place.

Why should there be such a classification a norm a way of living and why cant someone live the way that pleases them..

...I'v witnessed a whole different generation. generation. ..where black can be white and white can be black and I like it..

I don't leave by rules and boundaries and limited choices and it makes me happy ...and even happier when I realise im not up in anybodies business

living for me should be done without investing and wasting any time looking and criticizing and passing judgement on  what others are doing...

Im from a different generation ..the 199x generation...where we all live instead of survive
Where we feed each other positive stuff and shit . ...... So For Me There are None

#NoBoundaries   #WearWhatPleasesYou

#BeWhoYouAre   #NoPressure :)

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